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Bath and Brush

​​     Does your dog need a bath and brush, but a haircut isn't necessary?  Your dog will be bathed in the shampoo best suited to their coat type and conditioner will be applied as needed.  This service includes nail trimming and ear cleaning. Gland expression is included, but done by request only. 


*If your dog is a heavy-shedder we highly recommend adding on our "Shed-less Treatment"


     A tidy is for dogs who just need a little tidying of their feet, tummy or rear end.  Your dog will be bathed in the shampoo best suited to their coat type, conditioner will be used as needed.  Your dog will then be trimmed in the style of your choice.  This service includes nail trim, anal gland expression and ear cleaning.

*Please note that this service doesn't include trimming length off the body. 

Full Groom

​​     A full groom is for those dogs that need a haircut.  Your dog will be bathed in the shampoo best suited to their coat type, conditioner will be used as needed.  Your dog will then be groomed in the style of your choice.  This service includes nail trim, anal gland expression and ear cleaning.  

Grooming Add-Ons

Shedless Treatment

     Our most popular add-on!  Our shedless treatment can reduce shedding up to 90%.  Your pet will first be bathed in our shedding shampoo, this is allowed to soak in to the coat for five minutes.  Once the shampoo is completely rinsed, a deep conditioner is applied.  The conditioner allows us to loosen the fuzzy, shedding undercoat all at once.  Your pet will then be hand dried and completely combed out.  You will notice the difference immediately. ~$15


Holiday Scent Package

     Try one of our fantastic holiday shampoos!  Scents available are sugar cookie, apple pie and pumpkin pie.  Matching cologne is included. $10

Moisturizing Treatment

    Is your pet itchy?  This treatment penetrates deep into the coat to soothe itchy, dry skin.   A creamy conditioner is applied as necessary to soften the hair shaft. ~$10

Blueberry Facial

     Your dog will enjoy every second of this luxurious facial.   This treatment is wonderful for reducing the appearance of tear-stains. ~$5


Dental Health Package

     Our dental health package promotes healthy teeth and gums.  Your pet's teeth will be brushed with veterinary-grade toothpaste, then a tarter-reduction gel is applied. ~$10

Nail Painting

     Both you and your dog are sure to love a fun pop of color on their nails.  This is very popular around the holidays. ~$10

Nail Dremeling

     Nail trimming is included in all grooming services.  We offer nail dremeling to round the nail's sharp edges. 

​Nail Dremeling ~$5

Walk-in Services
Walk-in Services are offered Friday through Tuesday from 9AM to 1pm only.
Walk-in services are now CASH ONLY.

Nail Trimming ~ $15

Nail Trim & Dremel ~ $20

Gland Expression ~ $15

Teeth Brushing ~ $10

Face Trim ~ $20

Foot Trim ~ $20

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